
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Today February 10, 2011

I really do love my iphone. I started with the first one in 2007 and have upgraded every year.
I use many features on my phone and download and try many apps to see what works best for me.
For instance, I subscribe to Sirius/XM. I have the app. I am able to listen to shows I enjoy such as Martha Stewart, Dr. Laura, Dr. Radio, NPR, etc.
I also have the Kindle app. I read books on my iphone which is so handy when I am in the doctor's office or anywhere where I am in a waiting situation.
My newest app is the Netflix app. I subscribe to Netflix for $10/mo. I can stream movies to my iphone. I know what you are thinking. Small screen. But what I like is when I want to watch a movie at night without the big tv on. You just have to give it a try to see if it works for you. It does for me.
I also listen to FM radio. I have the Stitcher app. Because I lived in Dallas for so long I still like to keep up with things. So I subscribe to KRLD and listen to the news there. Love it!
More later. Time for a break.